Hottub Haulers can find you the perfect hot tub.

“Let us do the Lifting”

Take a look at our Pre-owned Hot tubs and Spas. Whether you own/owned a spa or you’re a first time buyer, Hottub Haulers can seat you in the perfect hot tub. If you prefer to buy new, ask our professionals about any hot tubs on the market.We’re dedicated to guiding you, the potential spa buyer, towards finding the best hot tub / spa to meet your needs! We know you have questions……..

  • Are foam-filled insulated hot tubs better than ones that are not?
  • Do hot tubs require any special electrical work?
  • Do hot tubs require any special plumbing?
  • How hard is it to maintain hot tubs?
  • How do I know if it will fit into my backyard?
  • Do I have to lay a concrete pad or prepare a special location?

We’ve got the answers.

Whether you’re interested in hot tubs for socializing with family and friends, or because of the rejuvenating and naturally rehabilitative qualities of hydrotherapy, our experts are more than happy to answer any questions you have.

Pre-owned Hot tubs & Spas

Durasport Floor model – $3000

Pre-owned Hot tubs & Spas

SOLD! – $2800

Pre-owned Hot tubs & Spas

SOLD! – $3500

hot tubs & spas service repairs moving delivery

SOLD! – $3500

Pre-owned Hot tub / Spa

SOLD! – $2600

Hot tubs & spas moving delivery installation repairs service

SOLD! – $2000

Hot tubs & spas moving delivery installation repairs service

SOLD! – $3500

Hot tub & Spa Moving Delivery Relocation Sales & Service

SOLD – $1900






















Hot tub & Spa Moving Delivery Installation Sales & Repair Services